TERRY BURROWS founded The Orgone Company Ltd. as an umbrella for his
assorted professional activities in the fields of business, publishing, media,
music and education, operating in the UK and the US. This has encompassed
project management, computer systems design, business/management consultancy,
writing, editing, design, book packaging, music composition/arrangement/production/performance, university teaching and research. Clients have included Microsoft (US), The
Dixon Group, Freemans/The Sears Group, Dorling Kindersley, Carlton Books, Barnes
and Noble (US), Readers Digest (US), Time-Life (US), Blueprint Publicis, Redwood
Publishing, Alodis/Mongrel Worlds, Element K (US), Powered, Inc. (US), Quintessence, Quintet
Publishing, Ryland Peters and Small, Brown Partworks, Grolier (US), Edison-Sadd,
Thames & Hudson, Voyageur Press (US), The University of East Anglia, The State University of New York (US) and many others.
AS AN AUTHOR, Terry Burrows has written more than 80 titles and sold over 4 million
books since the late 1990s. Many of these have been in the field of music tuition, history, practice and technology.
He has been published in at least a dozen different countries and translated
into ten different languages. Additionally, he has written a vast number of
magazine articles. He has also been published under such pseudonyms as Terence
Ashley, Harrison Franklin, Hans-Joachim Vollmer and Yukio Yung.
IN PUBLISHING AND MEDIA he has operated at all editorial levels up to managing
editor, has set up teams for one-off packaged projects and has conceived and
created numerous presentations for international book fairs. He has also provided contract writing and editorial services for many of the international businesses listed above.
TERRY BURROWS is also a specialist in online education. He has taught/lectured at
the State University of New York (SUNY), created courses for Element K and Powered Inc. in the US. His post-graduate education encompassess business, technology and music.
FROM 1999 TO 2003 he ran a guitar tuition course for the Barnes and
Noble University in the US, the world's largest provider of online education. Between these dates he taught over 3000 subscribers, making him arguably the guitar teacher with the largest student body in the world.
AS A MUSICIAN, Terry Burrows has been responsible for over 50 commercial releases
in a wide variety of styles and under many different aliases. He remains hyperactive in this field, his scope including live performance, production, film and bespoke composition for TV and film. He regularly appears at festivals throughout Europe.
THE ORGONE COMPANY also operates as a book publisher, record label, music publisher and is a joint parent of Onoma Research. They are based in Hackney in East London.
The terryburrows.com webpage is a portal
to his various related websites.
For further information contact mail@orgone.co.uk. |

Terry Burrows & Daniel Miller
Thames & Hudson (UK/US)
Published November 2017

A Visual History for Audiophiles
Terry Burrows
Thames & Hudson (UK/US)
Published June 2017